Fryeri OB "Blue Ice" breeding pair
"very pleased with my pair that I ordered, very good customer service and great at arranging delivery when I was available, definatly recommend and will be purchasing from here again in future"
aiden - 22 February 2023
Simply stunning.
"I received my first order from Tony today after being very disappointed with other online sellers. I have to say that these fish are simply stunning. After just a couple of hours in my tank the colours are popping. One very happy customer."
Stewart Scott - 22 February 2022
Stunning fish
"Got a pair of these from Tony and they are beautiful colours. My male is very blue and is stunning and the female is also very good looking as well. Would highly recommend Tony and his fish!!"
Matt - 01 April 2020
Stunning fish
"Got a pair of these from Tony and they are beautiful colours. My male is very blue and is stunning and the female is also very good looking as well. Would highly recommend Tony and his fish!!"
Matt - 01 April 2020
Top quality fish.
"My first order from Tony's and this will be the only place I will go for my african cichilids now! Two beautiful peacocks the female was already holding fry that was a bonus so put the fry in my egg tumbler with some eggs for the meanwhile the male is stunning few more weeks and his colours will come threw more very happy customer thanks tony!"
Mike - 23 February 2020
"Got a pair of these delivered from Tony. They have settled well in my haps tank & the male is starting to colour up."
Brian Barnwell - 07 June 2019
Can't wait for the colour to come
"Stunners not stinkers best place for malawi peacocks and haps"
Carl - 26 August 2018
Can't wait for the colour to come
"The only fish I've ever had off tony that wasnt already coloured will still be ordering again as still the best fish in the country rest of the fish were stinkers. Thanks tony"
Carl - 26 August 2018
Amazing Colour
"These fish come half coloured. A few weeks later they start to really dazzle. Stand out fish in the tank and still very young. Video of the actual fish bought from Tony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GiYxTFS7Nk"
Ben Garner - 03 February 2018
Spectacular fish and only half coloured
"Stunning looking fish I asked for a heavy blotch and got exactly what i was looking for thanks Tony Can t recommend enough can t wait till my next order"
Ian - 09 December 2017
"This is the third time I've had fish from Tony and all of them are quality."
Andy Pettifer - 13 August 2017
enough people have left top reviews already
"If you are just starting out with Malawis I would suggest avoiding OB peacocks and get these instead as they can look very similar if kept together but if hey are the only OBs then they truly stand out.. And the money you save by not getting OB peacocks I'd recommend spending it on a pair of Albino Moori or Red Empress as they both complement these OB Sciaenochromis very nicely I think Rob from Erith Kent"
Rob Sawyer - 08 February 2017
Stunning !
"Recieved these this morning and WOW they are simply stunning, as always excellant quality healthy fish. Thankyou Tony."
Karl Beard - 17 January 2017
OB Ice Blue
"My Pair of OB Blue are stunning couldn't have been more happy with the colouring the size and the fantastic service, cheers Tony"
Nathan Piggott - 10 May 2016
Ob fryeri ice blue
"Opened the box and was amazed!! A true eye catcher stands out among any afican cichlid yes it is blue and white with a red flash on its analfin but they also have a metallic sheen to them Great length and shape to them Thank you tony"
J-Line (Jay) - 16 February 2016
Nice fish
"Really nice size and colour fish ."
Terry - 01 December 2015
o'b blue ice
"amazing fish tony they look exactly like they've been hand painted and a great size too. top quality and 100% the best o'bs on the market"
James - 17 June 2014
amazing fish
"My kids love them at first when tony reccommended these for my show tank i thought they looked messy but WOW they look amazing"
charley - 03 November 2013
the best
"What can you say about these fish quality,colour second to none.thankyou tony.will be back soon"
geoff trainor - 24 June 2013